How To Select RAM and CPU For Your VPS Hosting Server?

10 Best VPS Hosting Providers - Unite.AI

Choosing the right RAM and CPU for your VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting is important for your website’s performance. Understanding your needs is the first step, whether you’re looking for a Linux VPS hosting solution or a high-RAM VPS. 

Let’s break down how to select the right resources from reputable website providers for your VPS server.

What is VPS Server Hosting?

A VPS server is like having your own mini-computer within a larger computer. It costs less than a dedicated server but gives you more resources and power than shared hosting. When selecting a VPS, you need to focus on two main components: RAM and CPU.

What is RAM, and Why is it Important?

RAM (Random Access Memory) is like your server’s short-term memory. It stores data that your website needs to access quickly. More RAM means:

  1. Faster website loading times
  2. Ability to handle more visitors
  3. Better performance for complex websites

What is CPU and Why Does it Matter?

The CPU is the brain of your server. It processes all the instructions and calculations. A high CPU VPS can:

  1. Handle more tasks simultaneously
  2. Process requests faster
  3. Improve overall server performance

How Much RAM Do You Need?

The amount of RAM you need depends on your website type and traffic. Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Basic website or blog: 1-2 GB
  2. Small business website: 2-4 GB
  3. E-commerce site: 4-8 GB
  4. High-traffic website: 8 GB or more

If you have a very busy site or run resource-intensive applications, consider going above 8 GB for a high RAM VPS.

How Much CPU Power Do You Need?

CPU power is measured in cores and clock speed. More cores allow for better multitasking. Here’s a general guide:

  1. Small website: 1-2 cores
  2. Medium-sized business site: 2-4 cores
  3. Large e-commerce site: 4-8 cores
  4. High-traffic or complex applications: 8+ cores

A high CPU VPS with multiple cores is ideal for websites that need to process a lot of data or serve many users simultaneously.

Factors Affecting Your RAM and CPU Needs

Website Type

Different types of websites have different resource needs:

  • Static websites: Low RAM and CPU needs
  • Dynamic websites (like WordPress): Moderate RAM and CPU needs
  • E-commerce sites: High RAM and CPU needs

Traffic Volume

More visitors mean you need more resources. If you expect your traffic to grow, choose a Linux VPS server hosting that allows easy upgrades.

Software and Applications

The software you run on your server affects your resource needs:

  • Content Management Systems (like WordPress): Increase RAM needs
  • Databases: Require more RAM and CPU power
  • Email servers: Can be CPU-intensive

Future Growth

Always plan for growth. It’s better to have a little extra capacity than to run out of resources.

Tips for Choosing the Right VPS

  1. Begin with a smaller VPS and upgrade as your needs grow. Most providers allow easy upgrades.
  2. Use monitoring tools to track your RAM and CPU usage. This helps you know when it’s time to upgrade.
  3. Some VPS providers offer burst capacity, allowing you to use extra resources during traffic spikes.
  4. Look at the Entire Package. Don’t just focus on RAM and CPU. Consider storage, bandwidth, and support options too.
  5. After setting up your VPS, test your website’s performance and adjust your resources if needed.


Selecting the right RAM and CPU for your VPS hosting server doesn’t have to be complicated. Start by understanding your website’s needs, consider your traffic and growth expectations, and choose a plan that fits. 

Whether you need a high RAM VPS for data-heavy applications or a high CPU VPS for complex processing tasks, there’s a solution for every need.

Remember, it’s always better to have a little extra capacity than not enough. With the right resources, your website will run smoothly, providing a great experience for your customers and supporting your online success. 

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Benefits of Dedicated Server Hosting For Your Business Blog

8 Best Benefits Of Dedicated Server

Having a strong online presence is important for businesses of all sizes. One powerful tool to enhance your online visibility and engage with your audience is a business blog. However, to ensure your blog’s success, you need a reliable and strong hosting solution. 

While shared hosting options may seem tempting, dedicated hosting services offer multiple advantages that can take your business blog to new heights. By using dedicated web hosting services, you can unlock the true potential of your business blog and outshine your competition.

Benefits of Dedicated Server Hosting for Business Blog

Superior Security

One of the most significant benefits of dedicated hosting is enhanced security. Cybersecurity threats, such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, can bring your blog’s server down indefinitely, impacting your SEO efforts and potential revenue. With dedicated hosting, you can enjoy a reduced risk of falling victim to phishing, DDoS, and other cyber attacks.

Dedicated server hosting provides an added layer of security by isolating your website from others, ensuring that any vulnerabilities or issues on other sites do not affect your blog. 

Furthermore, dedicated hosting providers often offer advanced security features, such as firewalls, malware scanning, and regular software updates, to protect your blog from potential threats.

Faster Page Load Times

If your website pages take too long to load, it can make visitors unhappy. Search engines like websites that load quickly, because it’s a better experience for users.

With dedicated server hosting, your blog gets its own dedicated resources like RAM, CPU, and bandwidth. This means your pages will load faster. Faster load times make for a better user experience.They also improve your blog’s Google ranking.

Customisation and Scalability

With dedicated server hosting, you are fully in control of the hosting setup. You can customise the server settings to fit exactly what you need. This lets you improve performance and make the user experience on your website better for visitors.

Additionally, dedicated servers offer scalability, enabling you to easily increase or decrease resources as your blog’s traffic and storage requirements evolve. This flexibility ensures that your blog can grow alongside your business without encountering performance bottlenecks or downtime.

Increased Storage Capacity

As your blog grows, so do your storage needs. High-resolution images, videos, and other multimedia content require ample storage space. Shared hosting plans often have limited storage capacity, forcing you to make difficult choices about what content to keep or discard.

With a dedicated server, you can enjoy virtually unlimited storage, allowing you to store and serve content without worrying about running out of space or experiencing performance issues. With dedicated hosting, you have more freedom. 

This allows you to make great, interesting content that really grabs people’s attention. Having engaging content can help make your blog stand out from others.

Improved Uptime and Reliability

Downtime can be detrimental to your blog’s success, as it can frustrate visitors and negatively impact your search engine rankings. Free blog hosting services often lack uptime guarantees, leaving you at the mercy of the provider’s server availability.

Dedicated server hosting providers, on the other hand, offer robust service level agreements (SLAs) that guarantee high uptime and reliability. With a dedicated server, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your blog will be accessible to your audience 24/7, ensuring a consistent and reliable browsing experience.


Investing in the best-dedicated server hosting for your business blog can provide numerous benefits, including enhanced security, faster page load times, customisation options, scalability, increased storage capacity, and improved uptime and reliability. 



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5 Monitoring Tools For Your VPS Server

Virtual Private Server, Jadi Acuan Baru Penyimpanan Data Penting!

The correct web host is crucial for any website to ensure the right performance and efficiency. 

The two critical aspects of an effective online presence are website performance, design, and business branding. This is one of the prime reasons the demand for Australian domain hosts is rising significantly.

Among the popular categories of web hosting servers, VPS hosting in Australia is one of the most popular. With VPS hosting, companies benefit from better network and data security, along with improved performance and multiple scalability options in a cost-effective manner.

If you wish to explore the multiple benefits of a VPS Server, knowing the top monitoring tools is crucial to help elevate your experience further.

In this blog, let us discuss the top five virtual server monitoring tools in detail.

Top 5 VPS Monitoring Tools

There are commonly four main monitoring tool types: networking resource, security, application, and uptime. The top 5 virtual server monitoring tools include the following.

  • OpenNMS

OpenNMS is the answer if you want a monitoring tool that manages the entire VPS Server together. It focuses on aspects like account performance, configuration, security, and fault, known as the FCAPS model.

It is an effective monitoring tool because it manages multiple server data points to track usage. Moreover, multiple other tools can be integrated with this monitoring tool because of its easy and customisable integration.

  • Zabbix

For queries related to your IT systems, Zabbix is an effective monitoring tool. This is an open-source monitoring platform that offers multiple monitoring solutions together. 

Moreover, using this monitoring tool, businesses can avail dashboard feature highlighting current and previous issues for reference.

For VPS Servers, it allows businesses to keep track of network usage, CPU load, and disk space. This tool ensures necessary alerts based on issues are delivered in time for quick resolution.

  • Icinga

If you are looking for a monitoring tool that is quick and hands-on with better contingency planning, Icinga is highly recommended. It is an open-source monitoring platform that uses the internet to communicate all necessary updates and error feedback online.

It can collect all the necessary information from the VPS Server to assess the overall performance of a system. Furthermore, it recognises every area that requires quick fixes to offer improved automation, better scalability, etc.

  • Monit

For effective server management, Monit is one of the top choices. This monitoring tool helps keep an eye out for the required file size, permissions, and other activities on the server to offer maximum uptime.

It has an online interface and is responsible for updating any errors within the server relating to file sizes or other file system elements. It is a basic server monitoring tool that can restart any particular service on the server if needed for smoother operational efficiency.

  • Checkmk

When it comes to monitoring all the different idea aspects, especially for hybrid or virtual servers, Checkmk is a great solution to it.

As a monitoring tool, it constantly checks applications, databases, and servers added onto a VPS Server to highlight gaps or loopholes. Eight performs a minimum of 1800 checks for effective VPS Server management.

It is a free monitoring tool that directly impacts the website performance, uptime, and network security.

Why Are VPS Monitoring Tools Important?

  • Improved website performance as these tools will help identify and resolve issues causing the website to slow down.
  • Enhanced overall network and website security for your business. This is possible as they recognise and offer quick resolutions to ensure data and network do not shut down the website or increase vulnerabilities.
  • Better operational efficiency with effective server management as it introduces the continuous resolution of upcoming issues.

Final Thoughts

Knowing and adopting different monitoring tools to manage your VPS Server is an excellent decision as it has multiple advantages. There is a mix of both paid and free tools for you to explore.

One of the key benefits of these tools is that they reduce the requirement of technical expertise within the company, replacing manual effort and brainwork with automation. 

No matter whether you are technically equipped to manage your VPS Server or not, adding these monitoring tools will only ease your burden. 

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Website Builder vs CMS: Which Is Better?

CMS vs website builder | TechRadar

When building an online presence, individuals and businesses often face a critical choice: using a Website Builder or a Content Management System (CMS). Each option offers ways to create and manage websites catering to needs and skill levels. Website Builders prioritise simplicity and convenience, while CMS platforms focus on flexibility and customisation. 

Whether you are curious about Website Builder tools or looking to buy CMS for your website, this article is a must-read.

By the end of this article, you will have a clearer idea of how Website Builders make creating great websites accessible and how to pick the best Domain Hosting service for your Website Builder requirements.

Further, if you want to create a website without spending too much time, Website Builder Singapore could be a good choice.

Read ahead!

What is Website Builder?

A Website Builder is a software or online platform that allows users to build a website and design web pages without needing advanced coding or technical skills. Website Builders offer a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop tools, pre-designed templates, and various customisation options that make it easy for users to build and modify their websites according to their preferences.

  • Key Features of Website Builder

  1. Users can place elements like text, images, videos, and buttons on their website by dragging and dropping them onto the page.
  2. Some Website Builders offer domain registration and hosting services, simplifying the process of getting a website online.

What is a CMS?

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software application that facilitates creating, managing, and organising digital content on a website. It separates the design and layout of a website from its content, allowing users to focus on creating and managing content rather than dealing with coding and technical details.

  • Key Features of a CMS

  1. CMSs offer different user roles (administrators, editors, contributors) with varying levels of access and permissions.
  2. A CMS allows users to maintain a history of content changes, making it easy to revert to previous versions if needed.

Website Builder VS CMS: Key Differences

Aspect Website Builder Content Management System (CMS)
Primary Purpose Simplified tool for creating websites without coding. Robust platform for creating, managing, and organising content on websites.
User Skill Level Suitable for users with minimal technical skills. It offers more flexibility and is suitable for users with varying technical abilities.
Design Options Provides templates and drag-and-drop tools for design. Offers design customisation through themes and templates.
Customisation Limited customisation options beyond available templates. High level of customisation with the ability to add custom code, plugins, and more.
Scalability Better suited for more straightforward websites and smaller projects. Scalable for a wide range of website sizes and complexities.
Flexibility Limited flexibility compared to CMS in terms of advanced features. Highly flexible with options to add extensions, plugins, and custom functionality.
User Roles Fewer user roles and permissions compared to a CMS. Offers various user roles with different levels of access.
Ideal Use Cases Personal blogs, small business websites, portfolios. News websites, blogs, eCommerce platforms, complex websites.

CMS vs. Website Builder: Conclusion

The debate between the best Website Builder in Singapore and Content Management Systems (CMS) presents individuals and businesses with various options when building a website. Website Builders offer user interfaces and speedy website creation, making them suitable for beginners or those who prioritise ease of use. 

Whereas CMS platforms provide a robust framework for those seeking more excellent customisation options, scalability potential and control over their websites.

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Why does domain name transfer take so long? 

There are many reasons to transfer a domain from one registrar to another. The price may be too high and not within your budget anymore. Maybe the user experience isn’t great and you’re confused about how everything works. You can transfer domains from other people to other registrars. 

Regardless of your reason for wanting to transfer your domain name from one host to another, it’s important to know the average domain transfer time. This will help you understand the process and take it into account in transfer decisions once you have completed a successful domain registration. 

You may be wondering what is a domain transfer? Or if you know what that is, how do I transfer my existing domain? You can transfer the domain to another account, or both accounts belong to the same domain name provider. Domain transfers can also be done this way. In this article, we’re going to focus on the domain-to-registry relationship, so let’s jump right into it. 

How long do I have to wait before I can transfer my newly purchased domain name? 

Let’s take a closer look at the transfer process. This involves three steps: 1) Review, 2) Prepare, and 3) Submit 

So how long should you wait before transferring a domain? First you need to verify and set up your domain, then you’re good to go! 

  1. Reviewing and investigation

The first step is to ensure that the domain name is suitable for transfer. To do this, you must be logged in to your current registrar and confirm the following information: 

The domain name was registered with your current registrar at least 60 days ago. Domain name is not restricted. If they are good you can move on to the next step. 

  1. Preparation

The second step is to prepare the domain name for transfer. Here you need to confirm that your domain is unlocked and you have an authorization code from your current registrar. 

The registrar generates an authorization code to identify the owner of the domain name. These are sometimes referred to as authentication codes, EPP codes, transfer codes, and other similar descriptions. 

Visit your current registrar’s website to find out how to get the code. 

  1. Submission 

Now that you have what you really need, you can submit your domain for transfer. You can go to your domain name provider’s website, enter your domain name and transfer it from one registrar to another. Once registration begins, transfers can take anywhere from 6 days to a week at the most. 

Does it usually last more than 6 days? 

The transfer process usually takes up to six days for the registrant to complete. So don’t worry if it takes less than six days to send your domain name for transfer. If more than 6 days have passed, there are several reasons why your transfer may not be processed. 

Payments can be based on evidence of fraud or when the identity of the person authorizing the transfer is in question. 

On the other hand, you may be trying to transfer your domain name too soon. The maximum legal term for domain transfers is 60 days. This means if you try to transfer your name within this period or within 60 days of your initial registration, your current registration may be denied. 

Depending on the time it takes for the domain and the current registrar to complete the process, the exact timeframe for domain transfers may be delayed. 

In conclusion 

Frankly, you can’t speed up the process. As long as you do everything right, the domain transfer should take at least 6 days. The only exception to this rule is that transfers may be accepted or rejected by your current registrar. In this case, you can contact the domain provider to expedite the deletion. We hope you understand why domain name transfers take so long. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments section below. 

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